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CC Wellness Bootcamp



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CC Wellness Bootcamp(圖1)-速報App

We challenge the expectations & misconceptions of society on body image & fad diets!

CC Wellness is driven by a passion to make a difference in your life.


Weight-loss Bootcamp

Fitness Bootcamp

CC Wellness Bootcamp(圖2)-速報App

Nutriton Plans

Personal Coaching


CC Wellness Bootcamp is about changing lives.

Our dedicated team is carefully selected with the sole purpose of ensuring you reach your goals as quickly as possible. They have been tested, trialed and grilled on their personal morals and standards to ensure they all reflect our Ethos.

CC Wellness Bootcamp(圖3)-速報App

We have a team of the finest Personal Trainers and Nutritionists working together to get results.

Each one has their own achievements but what they are really about is changing the lives of others for the better.

CC Wellness Bootcamp has been created by Candy Outten who is an experienced trainer passionate and selfless about helping others. She loves nothing more than to empower, educate and inspire others to help them reach their goals.

There are no fads or gimmicks or hard sell of products, it is all about a life-changing experience. Helping clients look, feel and be the best version of themselves they possibly can.

It's not just about running people ragged all day, it's about educating them and giving them the tools necessary to make the changes in their life they need to not only meet their goals. But maintain the amazing results they achieve...sending them away both physically and mentally stronger and better educated on both health and nutrition.

CC Wellness Bootcamp(圖4)-速報App

Working with a vast array of people from Commando and Special Forces trained, obese, semi-professional sportsmen, pre and post-natal, young, old, eating disorders, founder and director Candy Outten has invested everything in getting the perfect location and team together to facilitate her clients and do what she is most passionate about.

Nothing to hide...just dedicated to help you reach your goals.

CC Wellness Bootcamp(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad